One thing!

How can life not seem to be important?
I close my eyes and its there, I open my eyes and I want it to be there! I sleep and I dream about it. I meditate and its even there. I think of a happy place, I see it laughing! I think of a sad place and I see it. It is more than I can feel it in me. Its everywhere in me, flows in my blood, the air I breathe, thoughts in my mind, everything it is. It is my purpose. If I'm passing out, it brings me back. When I want to die, these words get me going, 'You have to see what happens of it!' I really do have to. I smile because of it, when I cry it is it and if I am living, it is it. It defines me, it is everything I am and it is my reason for everything. It makes me weak but it keeps me strong. I know now, anywhere the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me. Everything else fades out. I'm the captain of my soul no more, at least for the time being!


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You have a brain,
so you will have a "thought"..
and I know you can type!!
Its that easy to express. :)


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