Courage, not the cowardly dog!

We all have our own beliefs. We expect so much from the world but we forget that the world expects from us too. Law of neutralization, if there is good, there is bad too. If there is a God, there is a Devil; if there is sad, there is happy too. 
How easily do we accept loss? Why? It is very easy to accept failure, it is so easy to be callous, not to care, “don’t give a fuck” attitude. I say that’s cowardice. It takes courage and character to take care. Your life fucking means something, you can’t fuck with it just because something bad happened, and you just can’t. Life has to move on and you owe it to yourself. Stop taking all the shit and do things that are actually good. It requires strength to be someone, be someone nice. It takes nothing to stop caring and take a leave from reality. We all know the survival of the fittest. Not that you cannot do anything, we’re all born with something in us. Study yourself, believe in yourself.

Something nice appeared in my tarot card reading today, it said, "An existential phase of renewal is in the cards. For you, love is untrustworthy and your lack of faith will appear as dependence, so you need to fight against hysteria, fear of abandonment and castles in the air. Your inner life cannot accommodate the tenderness that you are shown. Get in touch with your inner feelings." I feel like it is so true not just for me but all of us, it is important to stay in touch with our inner feelings for you are what you feel.


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You have a brain,
so you will have a "thought"..
and I know you can type!!
Its that easy to express. :)


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