The Dream

I dreamed that you had ceased to love me— 
not that you had come from other beds 
back to mine, or gone from mine to others, 
just that something in your heart had stopped. 

I willed myself awake to find you still 
beside me. It was just a dream, I thought, 
yet when I turned to kiss you, in your eyes 
I saw that you had ceased to love me. 

I willed myself awake a second time 
to find myself alone, as I have been 
these many months, but did not know if it 
was terror or relief I felt, and whether 

dreams unfold the past or make the future 
plain. I dreamed that you had ceased to love me, 
and know when I see nothing in your eyes 
I can't dream myself awake a third time. 

-David Solway


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You have a brain,
so you will have a "thought"..
and I know you can type!!
Its that easy to express. :)


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