I miss my confidant, friend and companion.

How strange is the fact that People always leave!!
I thought this time I wouldnt let anyone close to me go, but you cant help it, however hard you try..if things change, they just change, you can not do anything about it.
No one stays forever, and those who do, hold on to them and salute.
Sharing little things, sharing laughters and smiles, even those tears hidden in the deepest corner of your heart, letting go of the fears, sharing those light moments, music, movies, talks, sharing Life altogether... you can not do this with just anyone, obviously the person has got be something special, there is a connection, never let it go, dont loose it, for once its lost, its near to impossible to get it back.
There is no looking back, but the memories hurt when you see the old pictures and think of what used to be, what you lost and what could have been!!
But then again, you just cannot help it, so let it be. Life will give you many more sweet memories, cherish them, and move on. :)


Quirky Writes said...

very true... We can't change the situation. No matters how hard we try.

Alx said...

umm...but life moves on :)

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You have a brain,
so you will have a "thought"..
and I know you can type!!
Its that easy to express. :)


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